Graduate Placement

Below is a listing of the immediate job/predoc/postdoc placements of our recent Ph.D. students.

(Send updates and corrections to Dr. Elijah Chudnoff)

2023 Graduates: 

Nicolas John Claude Nicola, “Testimony as Joint Activity”

From fall 2021: Learning Strategist, University of Toronto

2022 Graduates:  

Melisa Vivanco, “Grounding and Fundamentality: Modeling Quantities and their Bases”

From fall 2023: Assistant Professor of Philosophy (TT), The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Kari Hanson-Park, “The Practice and Philosophy of Literary Interpretation”

Jared Hanson-Park, “A Defense of Epistemic Structural Realism”

From fall 2023: Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University

Casey Landers, “The Range and Malleability of Visual Experience”

From fall 2022: Assistant Professor of Philosophy (TT), Texas State University

2021 Graduates:


2020 Graduates:

Azenet Lopez, “Information Gating and the Structure of Philosophy”

2021–present: Postdoctoral fellow working with Ophelia Deroy, University of Münich

2010–2021: Predoctoral fellow working with Ophelia Deroy, University of Münich

2019–2020: Predoctoral fellow working with Alex Byrne, MIT

David Didominico, “The Nature and Epistemology of Inference”

2022–present: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Texas State University

2020–2022: Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Logic (TT), Miami-Dade College

Iago Bozza, “The Nature of Knowability and the Knowability Paradox”

From 2020: Temporarily working in computer programming and web design until the job situation improves

2019 Graduates:


Haley Mathis, “Care Ethics: Morality with No Responsibility”

2019–present: Assistant Professor of Philosophy (TT), Broward College.

Amanda McMullen, “Offensive Uses of Language: Slurs and Synecdochical Utterances Targeting Women”

2019–present: Visiting Assistant Professorship, University of Arkansas.

Felipe Alves Moreira, “Disputes: The Incommensurable Greatness of Micro-Wars”

2019–2020: Lectureship, Department of Philosophy, University of Miami.

Seong Oh, “Perceptual Experience and Understanding Language”

2020–present: Lectureship, Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University, South Korea.

2018 Graduates:


Theodore Locke, “Counterpossibles for Modal Normativists.”

2019–present: Visiting Assistant Professorship, Concordia University (Montreal).

2018–2019: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of North Florida.

2017 Graduates:


Lance Aschliman, “Reconsidering Epistemic Evaluation.”

(Did not do an academic job search).

Daniel Corrigan, “Frontiers of Human Rights: Corporate Responsibility and the Environment.”

2018–present: Assistant Professor (TT) Marymount University.

2017–2018: Arsht Ethics Initiatives Postdoctoral Associate in Business Ethics and Bioethics, University of Miami.

Nihel Jhou, “Reviving the Transient Present in a Relativistic Universe: a Novel Approach.”

Aug 2018–present: Assistant Professor (TT), National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Feb 2018–Jul 2018: Assistant Professor (TT), National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.

2016 Graduates:


Bartek Chomanski, “The Spatial Structure of Unified Consciousness.”

2019–2021: Postdoctoral Fellow, Rotman Institute and Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario.

2016–2019: Visiting Assistant Professor, Northeastern University.


Sarah Beth Lesson, “Making Ourselves Intelligible: A Nondescriptivist Approach to Propositional Attitudes.”

2017–present: Assistant Professor (TT), Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California.


John Pinkston, “Evidence and Hypothesis in Clinical Medical Science.”

(Did not do an academic job search).


Rina Tzinman, “Reviving the Body.”

2018–2019: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Edelstein Center, Hebrew University.

Spring 2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, Ben Gurion University, working with Hagit Benbaji.

2016–2017: Lecturer, Bilkent University.

2015 Graduates:


David Augustin Garnette Hodge, Sr., “Jesus the Virtue Ethicist: A Metaethical Anticipation of Moral Sentimentalism, Empathy and Care.”

2015–present: Associate Professor (TT), Florida Memorial University.


Micah Dugas, “Relativism, Disagreement and Assertion.”

From 2016: Math teacher at Rayne High School, Rayne LA.

2015–2016: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana, Lafayette.

2014 Graduates:


Noel Alphonse, “Recent Critiques and Defenses of Ethical Intuitionism.”

From fall 2015: Instructor, Florida International University.

2014–2015: Lecturer, University of Miami.


Rami El Ali, “Relationalism and the Varieties of Misrepesentation.”

From fall 2014: Assistant Professor (TT), The Lebanese American University, Lebanon.


Nurbay Irmak, “Purpose-Relativity and Ontology.”

From fall 2014: Assistant Professor (TT), Bogazici University, Turkey.


Philipp Schwind, “Moral Knowledge without Justification? A Critical Discussion of Intuitionist Moral Epistemology.”

From fall 2014: Senior Teaching and Research Associate, the Center for Ethics, the University of Zurich (Continuing).


Benjamin Yelle, “Personal Well-Being.”

From fall 2016: Northeastern University, Teaching Assistant Professor (renewable and promotable).

2015–2016: Visiting Instructor, Mount Holyoke College.

2013 Graduates:


Fredrik Haraldsen, “The Variety of Names.”

Fall 2019–present, Associate Professor, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.

Sept. 2017–present: Førsteamanuensis (Visiting Associate Professor, continuing), University of Agder, Norway.

Jul. 2015–Sept. 2017: Marie Curie Fellow (SASPRO Mobility Program), Slovak Academy of Sciences. Research fellowship on the project The Scope of Formal Semantics.

Aug. 2014–May 2015: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.

Aug. 2013–May 2014: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Miami.


Michael Hurlburt, “Ethics and Fiction: Imaginary Evil and Aesthetic Value.”

From fall 2011: Assistant Professor (TT), Broward College.


Ryan Lake, “No Fate but what we Make: A Defense of the Compatibility of Freedom and Causal Determinism.”

From fall 2014: Assistant Professor (TT), Georgia Perimeter College.

2013–2014: Lecturer (renewable), Clemson University.


Mark Douglas Warren, “Lightweight Moral Realism: Objectivity and Reasoning Without Heavyweight Facts.”

From fall 2016: Assistant Professor (TT), Daemen College.

2015–2016: Visiting Assistant Professor, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.


Aaron Wilson, “Peirce’s Empiricism: Placing Peirce in the Empiricist Tradition.”

From Fall 2013: Instructor (permanent), South Texas College.

2012 Graduates:


Nick Wiltsher, “The Structure of Sensory Imagination.”

2019–present: Assistant Professor of Philosophy (TT), Uppsala University, Sweden.

2018–2019: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow of Philosophy, Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

2017–2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

2016–2017: Instructor of Philosophy, Auburn University, AL, USA.

2014–2016: Postdoctoral Fellow, philosophy, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

2012–2013: Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Leeds, UK.


Daniel Hampikian “An Investigation of Moral Emotions in Non-Human Animals.”

From fall 2013: Adjunct professor of philosophy, the University of Miami and Miami Dade College.


Daniel Cohen, “A Defense of Two-Level Ethical Theory.”

(Only sought a private high school position).

From fall 2011: Teacher, Lancaster Country Day School, Lancaster PA.

2011 Graduates:


Kristin Borgwald, “Extending Care.”

From Fall 2011: Assistant Professor (TT), Miami-Dade College.


Brian Mondy, “The Aims and Value of Inquiry.”

From Fall 2012: Lecturer (permanent), University of Minnesota-Rochester.


Kristjan Laasik, “Fulfillment in Perception: A Critique of Alva Noe's Enactive View.”

From spring 2013: Assistant Professor (TT). Shandong University, China.


Ben Burgis: “A Critical Assessment of Dialetheism.”

From 2018: Lecturer (continuing), Georgia Perimeter College.

2013-2015: Postdoctoral Fellow, Underwood International College of Yonsei University, The Republic of Korea.

2012-2013: Lecturer, University of Miami.


2010 Graduates:


Meggan Payne-Padvorac, “Truth in Philosophy and Fiction.”

Instructor (part-time), Bellevue College.

(Did not do an academic job search).

2009 Graduates:


Michael McCracken, "Prospects for a Deflationary Account of the Ontology of Propositions."

(Did not seek an academic position).

2008 Graduates:


Jeremy Morris, “The Epistemic Significance of Pure Indexicality.”

From Fall 2008: Visiting Assistant Professor, Ohio University.


Matthew Schuh, “The Epistemic Necessity and Ethical Permissibility of Randomized Clinical Trials: A Minimalist Defense.”

From fall 2008: Assistant Professor (TT), Miami-Dade College.


Leonard Olsen, “A Groundwork for the Theory of Notation.”

From fall 2008: Assistant Professor (TT), Philander Smith College, Little Rock Arkansas.

2006 Graduates:


Nenad Popovic, “In Search of the Best Solution to the Skeptical Puzzle: A Comparative Analysis of Possible Responses.”

From fall 2006: Visiting Lecturer, Southern Methodist University.

2005 Graduates:


Hsi-Heng Cheng, “A Peircean Theory of Real Kinds.”

From fall 2005: Assistant Professor (TT), National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.


Corina Vaida, “How Kant needs to Interpret Free Will.”

From fall 2005: Visiting Assistant Professor, William and Mary.


Sheron Fraser-Burgess, “How Can a Multicultural Society Educate its Members for Pluralism?”

From fall 2005: Assistant Professor (TT), Ball State University.

2004 Graduates:


Shirong Luo, “Morality and Human Nature: Classical Confucian Ethics and Sentimentalist Virtue Ethics.”

From fall 2005: Assistant Professor (TT), Simmons College.

2004–2005: Visiting Assistant Professor, Mount Holyoke College.


Kiriake Xerohemona, “Liar, Language, and Truth.”

From fall 2005: Lecturer (renewable), Florida International University


Melissa Bergeron, “The Ethics of Belief: Our Duty to Humanity.”

From fall 2004: Assistant Professor (TT), United States Military Academy, West Point.

2002 Graduates:


Timothy Mosteller, “Epistemological Relativism: Macintyre, Putnam and Rorty.”

From fall 2002: Assistant Professor (TT), California Baptist University.


Eivind Balsvik, “Triangulation, Interpretation, and First-Person Authority: A Essay on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson.”

From fall 2002: Lecturer, University of Oslo, Norway.


Yvette Pearson, “Procreation and Obligation.”

From fall 2002: Assistant Professor (TT), Old Dominion University.


Michael Veber, “Recent Rationalism: A Survey and Evaluation of Contemporary Theories of the A Priori.”

From fall 2002: Assistant Professor (TT), East Carolina University.


Rosa Mayorga, “On Universals: The Scholastic Realism of John Duns Scotus and Charles Sanders Peirce.”

From fall 2002: Assistant Professor (TT), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

2001 Graduates:


Anthony J. Kreider, “On the Likelihood of Finding a Satisfactory Naturalistic Explanation of Mental Representation.”

Fall 2001: Assistant Professor (TT), Miami-Dade College.


Jason Borenstein, “Expertise and the Courts.”

From fall 2001: Assistant Professor (TT), School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology.


Mark Neunder, “The Ethics of Genetic Engineering.”

From fall 2001: Associate Professor (TT), Miami-Dade College.

2000 Graduates:


Michael J. Shaffer, “Idealization and Empirical Testing.”

From fall 2000: Assistant Professor (TT), St. Cloud State University, Minnesota.

1999 Graduates:


Bernardo J. Cantens, “Suarez and Meinong on Beings of Reason and Non-Existent Objects.”

From 1999: Assistant Professor (TT), Barry University.


Fred Altieri, “Cerebral Commissurotomy, Consciousness, Minds, and Persons.”

From 1999: Assistant Professor (TT), North Shore Community College.


Robert B. Horner, “A Defense of Davidson's Theory of Metaphor.”

From 1999: Assistant Professor (TT), Barry University.

1998 Graduates:


Ruben Rabinsky, “Philosophy of Journalism: On the Theory and Practice of the News Enterprise.”

1998–1999: Lecturer, University of Miami.


Robert E. Lane, “Charles Sanders Peirce and the Principle of Bivalence.”

From 1999: Visiting Assistant Professor, State University of West Georgia.


Christopher J. Hajec, “The Argument from Order.”

(Current position not known.)

1997 Graduates:


William F. Hasselberger, “Heidegger's Thinking on Art.”

(Non-academic career, living in Portugal.)


John C. Wingard, Jr., “Plantinga on Proper Functionalism, Knowledge, and Rationality.”

From 1997: Associate Professor (TT), Erskine College.


Alfredo Perez-Triff, “World Making, Praxis, and the Genealogy of Cubism.”

From 1997: Assistant Professor (TT), Miami-Dade Community College.

Violinist and composer.


Gene Ray, “The Use and the Abuse of the Sublime: Joseph Beuys and Art after Auschwitz.”

2000–present: Curator, Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota.

1997–2000: Postdoctoral research in Germany

1996 Graduates:


James A. Ryan, “Ethical Naturalism.”

From 1996: Assistant Professor (TT), University of Western Ontario, Huron College.


Shannon Krenkel, “Victims' Rights in Capital Sentencing.”

(Current position not known.)


Sally N. Wiedmann, “Rawlsian Justice and Environmental Ethics.”

From 1996: Assistant Professor (TT), North Georgia College and State University.


William Harper, “Internalism and Externalism in Epistemic Justification.”

From 1996: Instructor, University of Alabama.

